Instructions and Help!
Are you into Ghost Hunting?

Watch our presentation video:


MIT Science that started our research: Click Here!


Water Mist Technique

Two foot tall creature shows in the mist: Click Here!


Anti-Static Plastic Box Technique

Beautiful Lady Spirit shows upside down in a box: Click Here!


It's always been hard to catch a ghost on camera until now.

Time to see the unseen!

We may have cracked the paranormal code.

By using a Light and Motion detection video filter (Ghost Camera) combined with frame by frame analysis, you can see a whole new world using your, tablet, Android or iPhone. Ghost Camera's fantastic technology lets you see and analyze hidden light patterns in greater detail.

Try it on your phone, capture your own evidence, and decide for yourself. The Ghost Camera App is advanced camera image technology. It's not a toy or game. Ghost Camera allows the user to digitally capture ghosts, and other paranormal events in their surrounding environment. Similar in nature to a thermal camera, Ghost Camera captures small unseen light changes and amplifies the change so the user can see and analyze their paranormal surroundings in a new way.

Our hypothesis: “Ghost Energy”, whatever that is?, has similar properties as free floating light (photons) & static electricity. Scientists often use fog to see laser light better right? So we propose the same for ghosts. Fog, fine water mist, or smoke. Since static electricity will bend & affect water, using fine water mist should also show ghostly patterns if we’re right. Give it a try!

Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for examples of the technology in action.

The overwhelming evidence speaks for itself.

This is real. Please use it responsibly.

email: if you have questions



iPhone users

Download the Ghost Camera App Here:

Full Ver.

Free Ver.



Android users

Download the Ghost Camera App here from Amazon App Store:

Full Ver.

Free Ver.

Ghost Camera does not record the amplified video output. You will need to record your screen so you can review your videos for evidence. We recommend using the built in screen recorder on the latest phones or tablets

Older Android users may need to download a screen recorder App:
How to screen record for Android users: Click here!



Items we recommend when using
Ghost Camera

Amazon affiliate sponsor links below:

Fine Mist Sprayer

Mist up the location.
Based on the hypothesis: Ghosts may be made up of something similar to light or static electricity.
Use the fine mister to help capture hard to see patterns from the paranormal.
Fill with water and it is ready to go.

Don't laugh at this. Light needs something to bounce off of to be seen and static electricity repels water. Using water mist, vape smoke, or a fog machine really helps.


High Power Light

Use an intersecting high powered light to help your mist shine better.
Having multiple lights will help increase the size of your search area.

If you ghost hunt during the day, the Sun works great as a light source.

Definitely give this a try. Try catching ghosts outside during the day. Use reflective film below or water mist or a fog machine. You'll be very surprised!


Mini Fogger

This thing works great. It's similar to breathing out a continuous cloud of vape but safer than smoking.
Comes with a remote control and bottle of fluid for added flexibility.

Significant patterns are showing in the smoke. That means something is there but our eyes can't see it without the help of smoke or water vapor. Ghost Camera helps by amplifing those disturbances so you can see the anomalies on Video better.

VR Goggles

The full version of Ghost Camera has a VR setting. Slide your big phone into the front of this and get some instant Ghost Goggles.

If you're trying to capture evidence you'll want to start your screen recording first before you slide in your phone. Works with thin phone cases and has room for your camera lens to show.

Silver Anti Static Ghost Plastic Reflective and Semi Transparent. 16 x 24in.

The short reflective focal length of this type of plastic makes it perfect for Ghost Hunting. It clearly shows objects that are within six inches from the surface. Objects further away will have their reflections get scattered and diffused making normal stuff in the environment unrecognizable. This plastic film can be used in front of a black surface or it can clip onto the front of the Pop Up Ghost Chamber shown below.
Proper light angles and movement of the film are critical to capturing better photos. A light wind outside or a fan blowing in a room help greatly. Place the plastic over a black background when recording for better contrast.

The cover photo of our book was created with the photographic evidence we caught using our anti static film shown above.

Ghost Chamber Pop Up

This Pop Up tent makes a perfect Ghost Chamber. It's roomy black inside helps give the spirits mass and helps prevent pareidolia. It is easy to set up and take down when needed. The anti static film is not included and must be purchased separately.



Our book is now available! Pocket Future Living the Dream.
It takes this technology one step further and shows the reader how to predict the future.

Pocket Future





Follow us on Instagram @GhostProVR


Some artistic works using photographic evidence from the technology!
Pyro Art Painting Gallery